Wild RVA

Native Status Definitions

Here is a list of what the various Native Status terms used on this site mean. This can help you in your identifications, though be aware that there isn't always universal consensus on what status each lifeform belongs to here.

Native - Native lifeform are those indigenous to our region. You can expect to find them here at all points in their life cycle.

Non-Native - Non-native is an umbrella term for all the various statuses other than native. This is useful for finding those species quickly, especially where certain terms are contentious (such as introduced versus invasive).

Introduced - Introduced lifeforms were brought to our region, deliberately or otherwise, from other parts of the world. Sometimes these were intended as crops or livestock, at other times they may have come along with travelers unnoticed.

Invasive - Invasive lifeforms are ones introduced from other regions that then spread at an undesirable rate. They typically lack the competitors and predators from their native ecosystem to keep them in check and thus can proliferate and become problematic, causing problems for other species and for humans. This is an often subjective term and not everyone agrees on what belongs in this category.

Naturalised - Naturalised lifeforms are ones originally introduced from elsewhere but which have successfully integrated into our ecosystem, sometimes with changes and adaptations that distinguish them from their original forms. They often have partnerships with native lifeforms and generally behave as a fully integrated part of our natural landscape.

Migratory - Migratory lifeforms spend part of their normal lifecycle here in our region. This is typically seasonal, with a regular period of residency recurring every year.

Accidental - Accidental lifeforms are those which are not typically seen here but which can wander in from other, often distant, regions. They will usually be individual and rare sightings.

Escape - Escaped lifeforms are those which have escaped from cultivation or confinement. Typically they are one-off finds and insufficient in size or number to establish viable populations. However, there are some which are found frequently enough to merit inclusion.